Christian Day Schools

Christian Day School

Christian Day Schools Blog

Featuring model Christian Day Schools that are making a difference in student’s lives!

Christian Day Schools is not affiliated with any school, religious organization, or any other educational establishment but this site was created to showcase exemplary schools that are making a positive difference in student’s lives

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24 / 7 Prayer Line

International Conference Call Meetings

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Christian Day Schools

Christian Day School
Christian Day School

Welcome to the Christian Day School website!  The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6, Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.”  The Bible teaches that children need to be nurtured and supported into adulthood.  A spiritual foundation must be laid inside a child’s heart.  This website features exemplary Christian Day School models that are doing a fantastic job in Christian education.  The HOPCC Day School has gotten the attention of many people around the world.  This Christian Day School does an outstanding job of nurturing and supporting children into adulthood.  Please take time to look at pictures, articles, and other information that show the great work the House of Prayer Day School is doing in their communities. 

Premiere Schools

Christian Day Schools is glad to feature exemplary schools that are doing a remarkable job in educating, cultivating, and molding students  

Christian Day School
Christian Day School

International Conference Call Meetings

Join the House of Prayer International Conference Call Ministry for powerful united prayer and worship.  Sign up now to be part of this global movement!

Blog Articles

Please take time to read these informative and educational articles you will not be disappointed!

HOPCC Day School
HOPCC Children
HOPCC Day School
HOPCC Children

Picture Gallery

Check out some great pictures showing some of the premiere Christian Day Schools that are thriving in the educational realm.  


Contact Section

Explore this section of Christian Day Schools to sign up for a newsletter, and other ways to communicate!

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels