Christian day schools is glad to present an excellent review of the brother and Christian junior and senior high school located in Huntington Beach, California. This outstanding school is accredited with the Western Association of schools and colleges and the Association of Christian schools international. It is very prestigious and also attracts international students to enroll in the school. The school does not have living arrangements for its international students; instead, there is an excellent Christian community with families ready to adopt and host the students coming from abroad.
The Brethren Christian junior and senior high school offers a full curriculum with science, math, history, art, government, English, and Spanish courses. Along with the standard academic classes, every student takes classes on the Bible. In addition, each grade focuses on a specific book or topic that applies to the student’s lives. Every Wednesday, there is a chapel service in which student leaders organize and plan the worship services for the Christian day school campus.
The Brethren Christian junior and senior high school also has a beautiful community service ministry. They have had incredible puppet shows in which some of the students have gone on missionary trips and perform puppet shows to the public. The school also ministers in orphanages, nursing homes, and hospitals. This is a valuable experience to teach the students the blessings of being a servant and helping others.
The graduates of this Christian day school have an outstanding success rate. The vast majority of all the graduates advance into higher education. Some of the graduates have enrolled at Stanford, the US Air Force Academy, and Purdue, to name a few of the universities. In addition, the students at BCHS are members of over 100 different churches and 47 different communities. BCHS is heralded as a premier Christian day school.