HOPCC Children
The Christian Day School’s blog is excited to introduce an exceptional group of people. They are children, but not just ordinary children. They are the children of House of Prayer Christian Church. Jesus says, “… Allow the little the children to come to me and don’t hinder them for God’s kingdom belongs to such as these.” – Luke 18:16 WEB. Small and often overlooked in life are children, but the children of HOPCC are growing up to make a difference in this lost and dying world. They are raised in church and are taught the values and principles of the Bible from a young age. Contrary to what many may believe, children raised in church, especially HOPCC children, have fun and mature into healthy adults. Their development is facilitated by numerous field trips that the Christian Day School’s blog will examine later in this article.
HOPCC Children Have Fun
An essential aspect of every child’s growth and development is playing, and playing and having fun provides a foundation for development in the child, and what better foundation to incorporate into that than the one founded on the Rock Christ Jesus. These extraordinary kids are no exception to the rule. They love to meet up at local parks to play on the playground and have fun! They enjoy reading and have sharp minds, delighting in puzzles or other things that challenge their minds in problem-solving. HOPCC children also have fun playing all sorts of musical instruments and singing together. This is similar to the prophetic scene illustrated in Zechariah 8:5 WEB “The streets of the city will be full of boys and girls playing.” The jubilant laughter of children having fun spreads a contagious smile to all those in their vicinity. It is symbolic of the peace that God wishes upon all of his children.
Mature into Health Adults
Over the years, the Christian Day School’s blog has witnessed HOPCC children grow into mature, healthy adults. These remarkable children, although raised in church, face struggles like all growing children but what sets them apart is that they are given godly counsel and guided in the ways of truth in their decisions which provide them real experiences and proves how the Bible and the love of God always comes through in every situation no matter how tough the circumstances may seem at the time. Moreover, they use these experiences to build upon which fashions them into mature, healthy adults. They can be seen thriving in the community and contributing their part in many different ways around the city. HOPCC children have consistently scored well on Standardized Academy Tests and have secured and maintained gainful employment. Many have even progressed into healthy marriages and have begun families of their own.
Field Trips
As mentioned earlier, the Christian Day School’s blog has peeked into the numerous field trips taken by HOPCC children. There being too many trips recall, the adventures range from visits to the zoo to explorations on United States Aircraft Carriers. They have ventured overnight field trips to the Great Smoky Mountains, stared into the gaping crater of Mt. St. Helens, and surveyed many national monuments, just to name a few. Each trip is customized to teach the children practical lessons in daily life as well as give insight into history and the way things work. They are fashioned to provide an up-close view of God’s creation and instill a greater appreciation of what God has provided to them. “We will not hide them from their children telling to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, his strength, and his wondrous works that he has done.” -Psalm 78:4 NHEB.
In conclusion, the Christian Day School’s blog has found these wonderful HOPCC children to be vibrant, well-rounded kids who love to have fun and mature into healthy, able-bodied adults marching head-on into the community aiming to make a difference through the hope of Jesus Christ. Through their upbringing, they are equipped with every tool they need to accomplish this grand purpose. House of Prayer Christian Church is doing what the Bible commands in Proverbs 22:6 “Teach children how they should live. They will remember it all their lives.” EasyEnglish