HOPCC Day School
Are you tired of hearing about the horrible things that are being done to the most vulnerable population – children? Such terrible crimes as human trafficking, abuse, neglect—the list goes on! If so, Christian Day Schools has just the right story for you. Today we will be reporting on a group of children who are well protected and taken good care of. The HOPCC Day school officially named God’s Heritage Christian Academy will be featured in this article. Hopefully, this news will bring encouragement your way. Established in 2015, like many other schools, this institution has had to face difficulties head-on without wavering or compromising its vision. One challenge was to successfully navigate GHCA through the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure safety measures were in place to protect both students and faculty. By following the science of practicing social distancing, wearing masks, checking temperatures, washing hands, and faith in God, HOPCC Day School achieved its objective and remained open without any outbreaks. This Christian place of learning continues to pass with flying colors all inspections from the local on up to the state level. In fact, one state inspector from the Board of Nonpublic Education was so impressed with the school’s organization that she gave it high marks. These victories, along with steadily increasing student enrollment and new schools being established throughout the United States, have proven that HOPCC Day school is not a fly-by-night operation. This distinct school’s faculty not only have proven themselves to be exceptional educators but also to be terrific mentors as well. Each child receives positive influence in such areas of integrity, social development, life skills, and most importantly, a solidifying of their spiritual foundation. The Lord Jesus said, “… Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14) The HOPCC Day school staff continues to answer this request with its mantra, “No child left behind!”
Statistics of Private vs. Public schools
“Who can I trust with my child, to influence, mold, and most importantly to teach them?” This is a reasonable question that all parents should be concerned about. HOPCC Day school understands this and continues to ensure that great care is administered to each student, which gives parents peace of mind as well. There are two models of education to choose from, public and private. The public school system is the most predominant place where children learn. Private schools serve as an alternative for parents who want to be involved in what their child is actually being taught. This being said, research proves that depression and child suicide rates are much higher in public schools than they are in private schools. Research also shows that most private school students go on to college and have higher job placement than public school graduates. The student dropout rate for public schools far exceeds that of private schools. Truth be told, more children of elected officials, clergy, diplomats, business executives attend private schools than public schools.
HOPCC Day school Christian Curriculum
HOPCC Day school is a parochial school that teaches core classes such as English, math, and science. Christian principles are allowed, including the freedom to pray and bring a Bible to class without concerns of offending others. The school also has the liberty to teach the subjects that parents approve of, for example. Heritage studies; and Biblical devotion is performed daily. Furthermore, the students are able to acquire life experiences by visiting museums, farms, zoos, etc. Recently the HOPCC day school traveled to Wilmington, NC, and visited the USS North Carolina. During World War II, this historic battleship served as a static display to the students as they stood on the deck and were taught about American history. Following this, the children went to a nearby beach and walked in the Atlantic Ocean, which was their first time on a beach for many. This naturally produced awe about God’s creation.
Students get their High School Diploma and go on to college.
HOPCC Day school not only helps its students excel academically, but GHCA also prepares them for life beyond graduation. The staff is fully confident in their abilities as educators that once the High School diploma is placed in the student’s hand, they are ready for the next phase of their lives. The baton is now passed on from HOPCC Day school unto their new educators of higher learning. Whether it be secular college, seminary, trade school, or if they choose to enlist in the military, or even get married and be a content homemaker, each one is well taught. Who knows, perhaps one day the Naval Officer of a warship will ascribe his military service to our country to that HOPCC Day school class trip to the USS North Carolina, or a professor in oceanography sharing with the students about the first time she ever stepped onto the sands of a seashore.
In conclusion, not all is bad in the world in which we live. There are good stories about selfless sacrifice and service by adults to help ensure a good foundation for children. Not all have fallen prey to sexual predators nor been neglected during the impressionable days of their young lives. HOPCC day school has prepared each to have a promising future ahead of them. Who knows, maybe one day they will return as a teacher to GHCA, sharing love with the next generation of children!